tips for women's short hair style 'Johnny'

Visual full of character requires specific products and frequent visits to the salon

Have you ever thought about making a radical change, abandoning the long locks and adopt the best short hair style? "Johnny"? Don´t be afraid to say yes! The very short hair cut is trendy on salons. The very short hair is ideal for women who want to spend the idea of ​​strength, modernity and independence. Short cut works well for those with oval or triangular face, and who has the round face should avoid because it leaves the whole face showing. You fit the recommendations? Then go back, no regrets. But know that this modern look, and a lot of personality, asks that care more special. You want to know what? Check out below:


1-Cut each month

The very short hair requires more frequent maintenance than long hair. "The hair cut Johnny loses much more easily, the wires are growing and are bulkier in the back of the head." Visit the monthly salon, or at most, giving the range a month and a half, it is critical that the wires are not unstructured and slouch away.


2-retouch staining with the same frequency

Here you will easily realize an advantage over the long hair: according to Rodrigo Cintra, it's easier to disguise a grown root with short cut than with long locks. "This cut is usually more flexible, you can play the fringe to any side that is beautiful, and also covers the part where the root is more apparent."

Staining must accompany the cut rate, otherwise the hair will get bicolor quickly. An expert is to invest in lights, asking for less frequent touches. But he is a caveat: "lights not intended to cover gray hair, just make a sort of optical illusion that hides the gray, but insist this technique for a long time will leave your hair with a blond tone whitish beautiful thing."


3-Prepare to deal with the oiliness

If you have oily or mixed yarn, ready to deal with the problem more often if your cut is short. Short hair tends to look oilier that long due to the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. "Oil is expelled by these glands and runs through wires, as in this case the wire is shorter, the flow is easier and oils may increase." To avoid the problem, wash the hair, at most, on alternate days, with particular shampoo. It is also investing in water with warm temperature to cold, which reduces oiliness. Other precautions are too intense to avoid rubbing massage, as well as brushing very strong, which increases the work of the sebaceous glands.


4-Say no to chemical treatments

Any chemical procedures are contraindicated  for those with very short hair. "The chemical can touch the scalp and burn it, causing flaking. Another reason to avoid the progressive and definitive brushes: "These procedures often leave the tips of ruffled hair, which completely changes the cutting and visual". Recommendation is to take visual curly or wavy, which is also beautiful in the very short cut.


5-Dispense the conditioner

Yes, you can and should use a good conditioner. For those who have oily hair, moving product in short hair length is almost as apply on the scalp. The result is increased oiliness. But if the wires are too embarrassed, use a very small amount, the size of a coin of a real, and make sure to pass only the very tips.


6-Invest in finishers

Since you gave up the conditioner, it is essential to use a finisher. The advantage of these products is that there are options that will not leave oily as root.Using a dry finishing pomade to smooth hair and activating mousse or lotion curls for curly and frizzy hair.

Argan Oil Finalizer

7-Do not dismiss hydration

There's no escape, all hair needs a good hydration of at least 15 to 15 days. Even the short ones need care to prevent drying. "But in this case it is best to avoid moisturizing products that contain silicone, which will increase the oiliness of the wires,"

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